Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Grief

Almost two whole months since the last post!?! Just what the hell do I do with all my time?

Actually, I've been working with Screenwriter Chris Freeman on an adaptation of one of his scripts into graphic novel form. Anyone who thinks this is easy, ripping someone else's work apart and transforming it into a medium that deals in motion to one that rests on the illusion of motion, is in for a big shock.

I seriously underestimated this project and it kicked my ass. Right now I'm waiting for notes from Chris so we can knock out any edits and get it on to our artist. (More on our artist later)

I'm also waiting on the completion of our first project with art by Mike Lilly and photos from JM Manion to get Iron Sirens #3 put to bed.

So, lots going on but nothing moving forward.

Gotta try to remember I have this site to so I can keep updating it.

Till next time....


At July 14, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I just googled my uncle's name and your blog came up. As you probably guessed, I'm Chris Freeman's nephew. He's pretty much my hero (for lack of a better cliche). He's always kept me up to date on his screenwriting so I know a lot about the scripts he's written. I would have to say that Circle of Stones is one of my favorites (if not, my favorite) script he's written. I was supposed to take the screenwriting class he was offering, but I couldn't find the time. I wish I could have, mainly because he's talked about you and how great of and artist you are (I'm a fan of comics). I hadn't talked to him in a while before the other day and he mentioned you and your guys' project with Circle of Stones and I thought the idea was amazing. Well, keep up the awesome work man, and good luck with any other projects you come across. I don't know if you and Chris still talk very often, but it would be really great to meet you sometime. Best of luck with your career.



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