Saturday, December 09, 2006

Monthly Update

So...... I'm still alive and well, which is saying quite a bit given the events of the past few weeks.

I had been undergoing tests for the past few months because there were some issues with my blood work when, at the constant begging of my girlfriend Robin who happens to work for a group of family doctors, I finally had a physical. One thing led to another and I finally decided to undergo surgery to remove what was supposed to be a harmless growth on my thyroid gland for precautionary measures.

Turns out it was cancer.

I didn't know until after I came out of surgery. They took both thyroid glands. It was caught early and it was a very slow growing type of cell so I'm expected to make a full recovery and continue to live a very healthy life.

In addition to that I had been to Toledo to visit my Grandparents who I hadn't seen in several months, my roommate got a puppy which delites in pissing in the house at least twice a day, and there was a holiday in there somewhere if I remember correctly.


Needless to say, I haven't been writing all that much. I'm just taking it easy for the rest of the year and will regroup and refocus come 2007.

Till then...


At December 11, 2006, Blogger Shaynne said...

Hey Ian,
I hope you're feeling better. Take it easy and get well soon.

At December 12, 2006, Blogger YildirayCinar said...

I'm at the same condition right now Ian.Be cool.Doctors told me it's ok. after the surgery.(I'll be getting an operation soon too)
Take care man
be well...

At December 13, 2006, Blogger Ian Ascher said...

Thanks guys...

It all means a lot to me.

Yildiray, I had no idea. hope you pull through as well as I did man.


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