The Future of Last Paladin
Since my last few posts some things have been shaking the Last Paladin Universe.
The first and biggest is the departure of Last Paladin artist Mahmud Asrar. As important to the creation of that character as I was, Mahmud helped develop the look of all the characters and the world they walked in. Mahmud has moved on to a regular monthly gig that I'll announce here as soon as I get the ok to do so. Sadly, that means he won't have time to illustrate the Last Paladin for the time being. However, he knows he's always welcome back and he's even agreed to try and fit one or two more stories into his schedule somewhere along the line. Both tales are one's I've promised to him and him alone so I know he's eager jump on them.
That brings me to the new Last Paladin artist. Please give a nice, warm, welcome to EJ Morges.
EJ and I have wanted to work together on something for a long, long, time but schedules have never really clicked. Now with Last Paladin it seems as if everything will come together. EJ is known for his dynamic figure work, some of which puts Bart Sears to shame. Check out the quick character deigns he's done for a few of the existing characters here.
For now, The Last Paladin will continue to run as shorts in the back of Digital Webbing Presents but you just never know when or where the Last Paladin will show up.
Till next time...
I know you two will be happy together.
A match made in heaven right?
Thanks Shaynne...
Great to hear that there is more LP coming our way!
A lot more if I can keep it moving forward Jason. Thanks for the kudos.
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