Friday, January 12, 2007

January Update

Can you really call it an update if it's been about a month since your previous post? I suppose so, even if it doesn't feel like one to me. At least I'm writing something today...

So what's new?

Look for The Last Paladin in the pages of Digital Webbing Presents once again in 2007. The long awaited six pager that Mahmud drew before being discovered by Jay Farber will finally see the light of day. It should run in either issue #33 or #34. That decision will be up to Ed Dukeshire over at Digital Webbing.

I'm almost done writing an all new 'Slight' of Hand one shot. More on that as I finish it up.

I'm also finishing up the dialogue on a project for the guys at Atomic Pop Art called Jade Tiger: Rise of the Bloodwolves that should see print this summer.

Of course, as thing progress I'll be posting more. A lot more seems to happen in the Spring and summer months for me project wise.

Keep stopping by and I'll keep writing.


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